It seriously feels like yesterday that I was here emailing everyone. Time flies!
It has been a great week for us, especially since we have found some new people to teach! I've said it before, but this area is pretty tough when it comes to finding. All the more reason to be grateful for the tender mercies of the Lord in directing us to those seeking truth!
Our first and most promising new investigator is named Anna. She's 21, lives with her fiance, and has a 1 year old daughter. We found her when we were looking through our area book for former investigators. She was taught a while ago and was progressing, but stopped investigating because she and her boyfriend could not get married at that time... for whatever reason. Now, she feels like she is more on top of things and wants to have the same feelings in her home that she did when missionaries where teaching her. Funny story: We actually tracted into her apartment our first night here in Eastmont when we didn't know where anything was or where we were. We ended up talking to her fiance and he let us inside, said a prayer with us, but told us that he wasn't interested, even though is already a member. We were surprised when we found that Anna lived in that same apartment! We are excited to start working with her.
We also found a man named Allen last week that met with the missionaries seven years ago. He's in his 60's, and is very lively. Just to give you a taste of his character, the other day he answered his phone by singing a rock song to us. He gets confused easily, but we think that when the spirit testifies to him, he will see everything more clearly. Lastly, we have been meeting with an 80 year old lady named Ethel. She is so nice! We might have accidentally swooned our way into her house with our youngness, but she is interested nonetheless. She read all the pamphlets we gave her twice and has a ton of questions about the Book of Mormon, so we will see how it goes!
I know that Heavenly Father helps us on a daily basis. I have felt his hand in this area like never before. Everything just somehow works out. Though we had no investigators to start with, I know that when we do our part the Lord really does the rest. It is the coolest thing watching and being part of an area blossom into something greater. One last example that shows this in action: Every time we walk to church, we pass a house on the right side of the road with some low hanging trees that cover the sidewalk; and every time we've walked by, the thought comes into my mind: "we need to knock on that house." That thought has always crossed my mind, but for a different reason each time, we couldn't do it. The other day, we were walking to someones house, and the route took us right past that house again. Elder Fotheringham this time said, "do you think we should knock some doors around here?" It was like I heard the voice of the spirit audibly this time, and so we went directly to that door I had thought about so many times. The man we met is named Harold, and he has a young family. They went to the LDS church in Omak for years, but they were never baptized. After moving to Wenatchee, missionaries have never been in contact with him until we knocked on his door. He definitely has questions, so we set up a time to meet, bore our testimonies, and left feeling very grateful for how clear the spirit can be. Sometimes, it even has to speak through your companion, but it will let you know what to do if you listen.
That's the update for this week! Love you all!
Peace and blessings,
Elder Moser
I've been the worst at taking pictures lately, so here's a blurry one of me to let you all know that I'm still alive |